*FULL Name in Eng |
Please write your FULL name in Alphabet
※ アルファベットでフルネームをご記載ください
ex) Jack Johnson
なまえ in JPN(日本語) |
Please write down your FULL name with JAPANESE if you can.
※ 日本語で名前を入力ください
ex) ジャック ジョンソン
*Sex 性別 |
※ 性別をご選択ください
*Nationality 国籍 |
*Category 専門区分 |
*Cell phone 携帯電話 |
If you don't have your cellphone,you can't join our camp. The phone number which you can't receive our call is not acceptable.
※ 携帯電話番号をご記入ください(または連絡用電話番号)
*E-mail メールアドレス |
※ メールアドレスをご記入ください(連絡用)
we will send information and details of the camp which you applied.
*Date of Camps |
★Please check your schedule once again and choose the date you can join FOR SURE.
*Birthday 誕生日 |
*Blood type 血液型 |
*Address line 1 |
ex)大田区花町1−1−1 101号室
please fill out in Japanese(if you cannot, fill out in English)
we may send mail, please fill out your full address correctly including your room number
Address line 2 |
Please DO NOT fill out
*City 市町村 |
City 市町村
*ZIP 郵便番号 |
※Please don't use "-".
*State/Province/Region |
ex) Saitama-ken
※ 都道府県を入力します。
*Country (Adress) |
ex) Japan
※ 国名(住所)
Occupation |
*Afflication 所属 |
Those who are a student write your school's name.
Those who are a worker write your company name.
Ex)XYZ university
※ 学生さんは所属の学校の名前、社会人の方は会社名・組織名などをご記入ください。
* Japanese level 日本語レベル |
※ 日本語のレベルをご記入ください。
* ENG level 英語レベル |
※ 英語のレベルをご記入ください。
*food allergy 食物アレルギー |
Is there any foods or beverages that you cannot take because of your religion, creed, health or any other reasons?
※ 食物アレルギー または 宗教上の理由で食べられないもの
*food restriction |
その他をお選びの方は次のfood restrictions 2の欄にご記入ください
please check your food restrictions which you cannot eat below.
※if you choose "other" please fill in the the next box(food restrictions 2)
food restrictions 2 食事制限 |
If you have any food restrictions, please tell us about the details?
Please let us know if you have religious reasons
(Example: Halal)
Public bathhouse 公共のお風呂 |
If you have any reason you cannot take the Public bathhouse, please check this.
*Times to join "Bousai camp" |
How many times did you join our "Bousai camp for kids"
※ 防災キャンプの参加回数をご記入ください。
*English camp |
Times to join "English camp"
(International and English Camp by The Recovery Assistance Center of MIYAGI)
*about this event |
How did you find this event?
Remarks 備考 |
*Certification 確認 |
If there is no problem with your final confirmation of the bellow, please click "送信" after you click check
It could take for a while until your form will be sent after you click "送信". Click "送信" just once. If you click more than twice, your application will be duplicated.
<Final Conformation>
(1)You must be able to join the camp for sure.
(2)You must have both an email address and a phone number which we can contact to you directly.
(3)You just need to pay the transportation fee from your house to meeting place.
(4)You need to join as a volunteer.